Final result and conclusion

Finally, the library system on base of the Ikea Billy bookcases is done. Even if all steps could not be shown in detail and some pictures were lost due to a mishap, the project shown here may inspiring some people to realize their own Billy project.

It should be pointed out again that the project itself was by no means commercial and / or is. It was actually planned and realized privately by me. I have had to collect some distressing experiences with tools and materials in the recent years and, if I recommend certain tools or materials, I only give my own preferences. Also, I am by no means an artisan so please don´t ask me for crafting activities for third parties. If I rarely write at this website in the first person form it is firstly that I’m not a self-promoter and secondly because of my (legal) education rather a sober and objective writing style is immanent at my writing. For me, in the end, only minor things remain to be done – for example to give my books a new place and implement new ideas into other projects.


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